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  • Furon-Q-Valve-square_800x800

    Saint-Gobain combines the key patenened technology of Rolling Diaphragm and Tongue and Groove sealing solutions. The Q-Valve is the best option if you are looking for a valve that is field serviceable, meet or exceed industry requirements, while achieving great Cv value and high cycling capacities, regardless of the media carried (strong acid, base, slurry).

  • Furon-UPX-Valves-square_800x800

    Furon UPX Valves furnish a robust construction with the structural part made of ETFE and it’s wetted flow path, combining PFA & Modified PTFE, offer the best performance in chemical & slurry application from a temperature of over 180°C (356°F), pressure (110 PSI) and warranty (2 years on most applications). Combined with a low profile construction, it makes the best valve for the more demanding applications.

  • Furon-UPM-Valve-Pneumatic-3Way-square_800x800

    Our legacy valve line, with field proven record, has supported the Semiconductor industry on the most critical and demanding applications.